Having trouble already with your New Years Resolutions? Can't stick to consistent, healthy habits for yourself? I bet I can make you do it for me.
Maybe you're looking for accountability in the form of loving encouragement from someone who believes in you, and how dare you not believe in my superior assessment of your abilities? I know you can do this, you can be good for me.
Or maybe you'd be more motivated by fearing a punishment much worse than the shame of not reaching your goals. What do you owe me for every day you don't do your new little habit?
Maybe you want to take the power away from your deepest fears of not being good enough by playing them out. I can tell you how pathetic and undeserving you are, how you're a fool for trying to improve your worthless life. Maybe you'll prove me wrong...
Either way, let's talk about what you want out of this year and how I can help you stay motivated 😈💋
XOXO Mistress Avila